Papier Passions

How to Just Start with Kira Matthews

The author, podcaster & confidence coach inspires us to take the leap.


We're putting (virtual) pen to paper with Kira Matthews – author of the 90-day Future Self Journal and host of No Room for Doubt podcast. Known for her high-vibe energy and knack for helping people rewrite their inner narratives, Kira blends science, spirituality and actionable tips to turn “someday” dreams into real-life wins.

From crafting stories in fashion, with brands like Adidas and ASOS, to coaching young people with Coach Hood, she deeply understands the magic of starting something. Let's dive in!

Do you remember having a defining ‘just start’ moment when beginning your podcast?

The year I started my podcast, I was in a period of exploration because I was trying to find my “thing.” After 4 years working in fashion styling with some incredible brands, I was ready for a new challenge, but the year started with me trying things I was loosely interested in. I went to novel writing classes, explored writing film scripts and eventually the idea for a podcast came up, as it seemed like a good mix of all the things I loved. I was so nervous at first, but it helped that I had friends at the time that could see the potential in the idea, who encouraged me to do it. I told myself I would try it for 12 months and after that I could quit if I wanted to. But it’s been 5 years and I haven’t looked back! It led to me launching a journal and hosting events around the world.

What's the secret to unlocking our most confident self, which enables us to move forward with a dream, project or goal?

You have to imagine that you’ve already achieved it. No matter what you want to do in life there will be hundreds of reasons why it won’t work, but you just need one reason that you really believe in to make your goal a success. Visualise yourself with the podcast or the book and imagine what your life is like now you’ve done the thing. Ask your Future Self how they go there, and then work backwards. Before I launched my journal, I visualised it selling out and getting messages from folks telling me how much they loved it every night before bed. The visualisations inspired my next steps, from marketing to distribution.

When staring at a blank page, how do you overcome the initial hesitation to begin?

I love the Pomodoro technique. I give myself 20 minutes to write out my ideas and the fears I might have surrounding them. When I give myself space to question my doubts and limitations, I often realise that my fears aren’t facts, and I don’t have to believe my negative thoughts. I use that time to hype myself up – the minute you’re convinced you’ll do something, nothing can get in the way.

How do you keep up momentum once you’ve started something new?

It’s boredom, and the fact our subconscious minds need to stay in the familiar that often stops people from keeping up a new project or habit. Some of my favourite ways to overcome that are to find a community of people you can do your new habit with, and to consistently schedule in time to remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

What role does pen and paper play in your creative process?

Writing has always been a stress relief for me. I journal daily and one of the big reasons I’ve been able to keep up the habit is because it feels so good for my mind.

When was the last time you started something new?

I LOVE hobbies so I’m always trying new things. I’ve recently started singing lessons because I’ve always been obsessed with the stage and find the power of voice so fascinating. It’s been on the wishlist for a while and recently I took the plunge. Like most hobbies, I’m so happy I got started!

Is there a stationery item that you consider your “good luck charm” when starting a project?

Not an item per se but my favourite time to visualise is right before I go to sleep. I light a candle and snuggle into bed with my journal. It’s sacred time.

What advice would you give to someone looking to begin something?

One of my favourite quotes is: “The only thing that can hold you back is internal, nothing external is strong enough.” Figure out what internal or self-imposed limitations your placing on yourself and ask why? Sometimes you can be afraid of growth because you’re worried about making mistakes, or getting it wrong – so instead of figuring it out you just don’t try at all. Be honest about what’s holding you back and then get to work on building your self-belief with intentional daily actions. Also remember that there’s so much power in starting small with what you have.

What do you feel most grateful for starting?

My podcast was a huge turning point for me. I had these lofty goals of reaching millions of listeners in my first year, and although I didn’t quite hit that target the impact it had on my life has been profound. It taught me that your potential is always evolving and you never really know what you’re capable of until you do it. And even though it can be risky to try new things, I’ve found that the risk has always been worth it.

Is there anything you’d like to begin in the future?

I’d like to learn how to drive and so I can drive around Europe for a summer!

Feeling inspired to take that first step? Give Kira's action planner workbook a go – it's free and guaranteed to make you feel different about your goals.

Just START with Kira's Papier picks

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