Artful Advice

Things we wish we knew at college

The Papier team on advice they’d give their younger student self.

Things we wish we knew at college

September is here and that back to school feeling is in the air. As the Papier team’s been busy designing and prepping our stationery essentials for students ahead of the new term, we’ve been turning our minds back to the time we were there.

Lots of us graduated many moons ago, for some it feels like yesterday, and a few didn’t experience it all. So to help any fresh students out there or anyone taking a different route, we’ve rounded up the best advice we can give (stuff we’d love to have known that only hindsight can reveal), plus the stationery pieces we couldn’t have lived without.

Liv, Buying & Merchandising Manager – studied Architecture
“Studying is only half the reason why you’re here (and just a heads up this degree won’t end up being your career). Figuring out how to budget, that you love to cook with friends, and that you’re totally capable of starting again on your own in a new city will be some of the most valuable lessons you’ll learn!”

College stationery hero: “Fancy pens will change your sketches.”

Arik, Videographer – studied Graphic Communication
“Don’t fail first year, do your work you fool!”

College stationery hero: “Bone paper folder.”

Emily, Assistant Visual Merchandiser – studied Creative Media
“Shyness doesn't get you anywhere. Get stuck in, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself because in a week nobody will remember it anyway.”

College stationery hero: “Washi tape.”

Josh, Customer Support – studied Dance
“Take advantage of studios, spaces and facilities whilst you’re at college because they cost a fortune to rent/use when you’re not a student anymore.”

College stationery hero: “I can try all the ball points in the world… but that ain’t gunna help me get en pointe. However, a color-coded timetable did me wonders!”

Abs, Digital Designer – studied Illustration
“Talk to your friends and family about how you’re really feeling. A new city can make you feel lonely and you don’t have to pretend you’re having the time of your life!”

College stationery hero: “A pocket-sized sketchbook for drawing on the go.”

Jack, Digital Product Manager – straight into admin work at 18
“I decided not to go to college and I ended up with my dream job anyway. No matter what you choose to do after leaving school: make friends, say yes to new experiences and find the things that make you happy in life. The rest will fall into place!”

College stationery hero: “Any notebook will do. (Take 30 seconds at the end of the day to write down how you felt!)”

College advice for students

Callum, Onsite Content Associate – studied Business Management & Marketing
“Say yes to plans, join societies and meet new people. You’ll meet some of your best friends!”

College stationery hero: “Always a bright yellow highlighter.”

Lucy, Performance Marketing Manager – studied Business Economics with Marketing
“Ask for feedback meetings with your lecturers when you hand in essays or assignments. They will really respect you for taking an interest and bothering to try and improve and will usually give much better advice and guidance than in an email.”

College stationery hero: “Multi-colored pens to make your notes happy and bright.”

Vivelle, Product Analyst – studied Psychology
“If you have the opportunity to study abroad for a term, a summer or even better a year, take it! It’s a great opportunity and an unforgettable experience to live, study and work in a different country and culture.”

College stationery hero: “Colored lined paper pads.”

Morgane, Photographer – studied Media & History
“Check the facts, check yourself. Take a deep breath and repeat as often as necessary.”

College stationery hero: “A list notepad for the endless to-dos.”

Sophia, Account Executive – studied BA Media Studies
“Do not leave essays/projects to the last minute… you will quickly become introduced to Pro Plus!”

College stationery hero: “Colored index tabs."

Matt, Operations Specialist – studied Public Relations & Studio Art
“When in doubt, go hang out! You have the opportunity to meet some amazing friends, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.”

College stationery hero: Letter writing paper (because handwritten letters go kinda hard these days.)

Becca, US Onsite Marketing Manager – studied Fashion Merchandising
“Get involved! Sign up for activities and events, it is the best way to meet new people and who doesn’t love a reason to go out on a weeknight. You won’t always be able to do that after college!”

College stationery hero: “Academic year planner to keep track of social events.”

Heading to college yourself or know someone who is? Browse desk delights to brighten your lectures, library sessions and more.

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